It Starts with Paying Attention
One of the most common questions authors get asked is “How do writers get their ideas?” As a writer, I both love and hate this question. I love it, because it means readers are interested in my creative process and want to know more. I hate it, because it implies that authors and other artists are somehow creatively superior to ‘ordinary’ readers.
Don’t get me wrong. Authors, painters, photographers, and other artists are beautifully creative. They’ve learned to express their creative talents through hours of practice and dedication. The key word there is learned. All humans are born creative and are natural storytellers. You tell stories all the time—about the stupid thing your boss said at work, about the adorable trick your dog did, about your great-great-grandmother’s steamship voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
The difference is that writers have chosen to make storytelling a hobby or profession. When your joy or livelihood depend on generating ideas, you start to notice them all around you. And coming up with ideas for exciting worlds and fun characters is one of the things I love most about writing. The more ideas you notice, the more you have.
Here’s a simple example: my husband has decided he wants to buy a Tesla one day. I never paid attention to Teslas before, but now I see them everywhere. Why? Because I’m primed to look for Teslas over other types of cars. If you condition yourself to look for ideas, as most writers do, you’ll find them everywhere too.
Where Writers Find Their Ideas
Unfortunately, there’s not a universal answer. Every writer finds inspiration in different things, and I personally never know what will spark a story. But here are some places I turn to when I’m seeking a story idea:
- Books, TV shows, or movies in my genre
- Paintings, music, or other artforms
- Historical events
- Religious beliefs – apocalyptic floods helped inspire my Desertera series
- Myths, legends, and fairy tales
- People watching – try to be discreet, y’all!
- Old journals or letters
- Travel – seeing Salem, MA, in person deeply shaped my upcoming paranormal novel
… Or Where Ideas Find Their Writers
Readers might ask, “How do writers get their ideas?” But many times, the question should be, “How do ideas find their writers?” After all, most of the time, I don’t actually search out story ideas. Instead, they come to me, and it’s my responsibility to notice their existence and decide whether or not they’re worth remembering. That one step separates people who are recognized as creative from those who aren’t. (Remember, we are ALL creative.)
Here are some situations in which ideas have unexpectedly come to me:
- Meditating
- Showering – cliché but true
- Driving alone at night
- Daydreaming during boring moments
- Proofreading student assignments – seriously, proofing Wiki articles on 1,001 Nights inspired the Desertera series
The Ultimate Idea Generator
Perhaps the easiest way writers get their ideas? Asking one oh-so rich question: What if? Seriously, thousands of books have been written because of those two little words.
What if … an orphaned boy found out he was a wizard?
What if … children from around the country had to fight to the death in an annual competition?
What if … the people on this packed commuter train started turning into zombies?
You get the idea … or you will, if you just start asking “What if?” No matter where you are, what you’re doing, or who you’re with, those two words will spark a story idea for you.
Every writer gets their ideas from different places. In many cases, the authors don’t even come up with the ideas on purpose. Instead, ideas spring themselves upon writers, and the writers must notice, remember, and build upon them. If you want to be an author or tap into your own creativity (because yes, you’re creative too!), simply start asking “What if?” It’s practically an idea mating call, and you’ll have tons of inspiring ideas in no time.
How do you exercise your creativity? How do your favorite writers (or you!) get ideas? Tell me the story in the comments.
Want to learn more about my writing process and upcoming books? Join Kate’s Coven! You’ll also receive The Witch, an exclusive short story about a witch who must save Salem from the devil.